How can we help you
Synthetic diamonds are an essential ingredient in the success of a surface preparation project. Concrete grinding diamonds are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and strengths. Size is classified by the mesh or grit number. Generally, a large diamond has a small number while a smaller diamond has a larger number. While larger diamonds are used to expose the aggregate, smaller diamonds will hone or polish the surface.
These diamond tools which perform the cutting and grinding of the surface, are suspended in a matrix called a bond, which can be made from metal, resin, ceramic, copper or other materials. The bond breaks down over time to expose new diamonds. The composition of the bond is critical since the grinder will be most efficient if diamonds are always exposed to abrade or polish the surface. On hard concrete, soft-bonded diamonds will work best while hard-bonded diamonds are recommended for softer surfaces.
Since some experimentation may be necessary at the start of a project, you should be prepared with a variety of grit sizes or more different bonds to determine which combination will work best for your needs. By using the right diamonds, you can avoid potential problems that can lead to shorter service life for your floor, as well as other undesirable outcomes that you might encounter while you are polishing your floors or applying a stain, sealant or coating.
TransGrind Diamond Tools is a professional manufacturer that produces concrete diamond tooling for concrete grinding and polishing, surface preparation. We carry a great selection of premium quality concrete grinding diamond tools such as Lavina diamond grinding heads, Scanmaskin diamond grinding shoes to meet different need for our customers. If you are interested in our products and want to learn more detail, you can browse our website or consult us directly.